This game is a submission for Ludum Dare 56. View all gamesView submission


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(1 edit)

Idk what other people are on about, it's an extremely simple concept. I had all upgrades max after like 15 min, so not much "grind" either. It's honestly too easy imo. Though, once everything is max its just kind of pointless, so having a win con of some sort or a final boss etc would be ideal. All in all, fun little game 7/10

Fun, but too there's too much grinding. The pond upgrades are too expensive and don't improve fish production enough, resulting in a bottleneck. Pretty much the only worthwhile upgrades are research and pond, and pond improves production so little that it often requires multiple upgrades to make a noticeable difference

Absolutely wonderful little game :3


Fun for a bit, the lose condition is a bit harsh though given how long the time between upgrades gets later in the game. I was waiting for the pond upgrade since that seems to block production the most, then I lost. Didn't get any further than the first research. Still had a good time, impressive for a 72h jam game. (its still 72h for the LD jam version right)

Agreed.  The upgrades do way too little and cost way too much. (I bought the 3rd research. Noped out when I saw the next one is 125k. I'm getting bored as is, waiting that long wouldn't be fun.)

(5 edits) (-1)

Update ideas:

Money and ammo rework:
I think it would be cool if the fishes (money) were used to shoot the enemy slimeows, not talking a big amount of loss but like 5 fish for ammo (price (fish) does not increase with the veteran upgrade (the veteran upgrade simply increases the amount of fish (ammo) you get for the 5 fish (money)). 

A system for the grooming feature: 
Cats will need to spend time grooming (to relax?), and therefore will not be able to work, maybe an upgrade could decrease the grooming time.

Fish reward upgrade:
Name should explain itself, but maybe an expensive upgrade that increases fishes (money) worth.

My opinion of the current game:
I like it, but maybe its a bit too simple (as shown by my ideas for changes seen above), and I'd like to see some more complexity to it, other than that, I quite like it, though later on, when stuff gets very expensive, everything kinda gets slowed down, and then I kind of lose interrest in the game.

Yes i know this is a Ludum Dare game jam,  does not mean it can't be made into a bigger game.


woah the kitty looks like mewo


Great game! Instantly recognized the Gnorp Apologue influence.


It was fun until there were more enemies than arrows. Is there a way to increase the damage or attack rating? Assigning more slimeows to the tower doesn't seem to do the trick.

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh, that's what fishy research and quick meow are for. In my second run I got it.


this is really cute! question: does quick meow do anything?? i couldn't figure it out while playing

Yes, all slimeows will move faster


this is so cute i love it